Project Social well-being

Healthy and Biblical lifestyle
We are dedicated to boys and girls by investing in a healthy and Biblical lifestyle. And there is a good reason for it. Even though our aids project has ended since 2010, ongoing attention for sexuality remains necessary. From a Biblical vision we want to prevent sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies, gender inequity and other harmful habits. We do so by means of training and the child to child approach.

Youngsters are trained by people from their own community: teachers, pupils, church leaders. These trainers are equipped by us. We coach and train them, and provide them with educational material. Subjects which receive attention are: norms and values, self-esteem, good friendships, alcohol- and drug abuse, unwanted pregnancy and abortion. In addition, resilience is an important subject: learning social skills to prevent sexual abuse.

Child to child approach
In this approach we make use of an interactive educational conversation. That is quite different from the exclusively classical teaching methods teachers in Igede are used to. Therefore we train them in this approach. It is a an effective approach: While enjoying themselves children and their family develop their social skills and well-being.

  In 95 % of primary schools and 15 % of schools in secondary education the school subject “Social Skills and Sexual Education” has been introduced.